Categories | Title | University | Principal Investigator | PI Email | Start Date | Expiration Date | Award Amount | Agency |
TRUSTWORTHY COMPUTING | TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Novel Forensic Analysis for Crimes Involving Mobile Systems | CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice | Ji, Ping | | 9/1/2009 | 8/31/2012 | $388,508 | NSF |
DISCOVERY RESEARCH K-12 | R&D: Project Delta: Digital Environments for the Learning and Teaching of Algebra | CUNY City College | Fosnot, Catherine | | 8/15/2008 | 7/31/2012 | $1,546,471 | NSF |
BIODIVERSITY SURVEYS & INVENT|PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICS | RUI: Tardigrades of the LTER sites: A Framework for the Distribution and Phylogeny of North American Tardigrada | Fresno City College | Johansson, Carl | | 4/1/2007 | 3/31/2011 | $166,308 | NSF |
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY | Kinetics and Thermochemistry Studies of Carboxylic and Other Acids Using Negative Ion Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometry (NI-PTMS) | North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University | Bililign, Solomon | | 5/1/2008 | 4/30/2011 | $323,360 | NSF |
| | REU Site: Interdisciplinary Studies for Sensor and Biosensor Development | Alabama State University | Oyarzabal, Omar | | 10/24/2009 | 4/30/2011 | $84,463 | NSF |
ALLIANCES-MINORITY PARTICIPAT. | FL/GA Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation | Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University | Turner, Ralph | | 11/1/2007 | 10/31/2012 | $1,836,497 | NSF |
ECOSYSTEM STUDIES | A Novel Experimental and Modelling Study of C and N Dynamics Between Litter, Soil and the Atmosphere as Affected by Soil Fauna and Litter Quality | Colorado State University | Cotrufo, Francesca | | 9/1/2009 | 8/31/2013 | $646,718 | NSF |
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH | Benjamin Banneker Scholars | Central State University | Kendricks, Kimberly | | 8/15/2008 | 7/31/2012 | $599,500 | NSF |
BIOMATERIALS PROGRAM | Patterning Interfaces with High Molecular Weight Periodically Sequenced Sheet-Forming Polypeptides | CUNY City College | Tu, Raymond | | 8/15/2010 | 7/31/2011 | $158,452 | NSF |
ADVANCED TECH EDUCATION PROG | Stem Cell Pipeline | City College of San Francisco | Zimmerman, Carin | | 9/15/2010 | 8/31/2011 | $170,087 | NSF |
CROSS-EF ACTIVITIES|ECOSYSTEM STUDIES | Collaborative Research: LiT: ETBC: Plant-microbe feedback mechanisms affecting decomposition and nutrient availability and interactions with climate change | Colorado State University | Wallenstein, Matthew | | 9/1/2010 | 8/31/2014 | $705,574 | NSF |
MAJOR RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION | MRI-R2: Development of a high average power table-top extreme ultraviolet/soft x-ray laser beam line for science at the nanoscale | Colorado State University | Rocca, Jorge | | 3/1/2010 | 2/28/2013 | $1,500,000 | NSF |
TRIO - Upward Bound | | ALABAMA STATE UNIV | VALARIE T PITTMAN | | 9/1/1999 | 8/31/2003 | $278,656 | ED |
ROBUST INTELLIGENCE | Context-based Indoor Object Detection | CUNY City College | Tian, Ying Li | | 9/15/2009 | 8/31/2011 | $117,671 | NSF |
TRIO - Talent Search | | INTER AMERICAN UNIV OF PUERTO RICO | VICTOR SANTIAGO-FRANCO | | 10/1/1998 | 8/31/2003 | $292,201 | ED |
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening Institutions - Hispanic Serving Institutions | | COLLEGE OF THE DESERT | DIANE RAMIREZ | | 10/1/2000 | 9/30/2005 | $418,358 | ED |
COGNEURO | Cognitive Neuroscience of Visual Awareness | CUNY City College | Ro, Tony | | 10/1/2009 | 9/30/2013 | $551,170 | NSF |
Special Ed - Personnel Preparation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities / Low Incidence | | FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIV - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY & SPECIAL EDUCATION | MARISAL GAVILAN | | 2/1/2000 | 1/31/2006 | $274,130 | ED |
HIST BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIV|RSCH EXPER FOR UNDERGRAD SITES | REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Molecular Genetics & Genomics at Delaware State University | Delaware State University | Kalavacharla, Venugopal | | 4/15/2010 | 3/31/2012 | $166,759 | NSF |
MSP-TARGETED AWARDS | Mathematical ACES: Algebraic Concepts for Elementary Students | California State University-San Bernardino | Fischman, Davida | | 6/1/2010 | 5/31/2015 | $6,088,816 | NSF |
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH | A Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MaPS) Cohort of Scholars Program | Northeastern Illinois University | Srinivas, Sudha | | 8/15/2008 | 7/31/2013 | $598,003 | NSF |
CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS | Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Bifunctional Organometallic Catalysis | San Diego State University | Grotjahn, Douglas | | 2/1/2011 | 1/31/2012 | $150,000 | NSF |
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH | Advancing Computing Education through Synergistic Support (ACESS) | Winston-Salem State University | Jones, Elva | | 3/1/2011 | 2/29/2016 | $600,000 | NSF |
POP & COMMUNITY ECOL PROG | Collaborative Research: The roles of demography, genetics, and stochasticity in colonization | Colorado State University | Hufbauer, Ruth | | 5/1/2010 | 4/30/2013 | $466,954 | NSF |
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|BIOMATERIALS PROGRAM | Hydrophobicity Switching on Nanoscale and its Applications | New Mexico State University | Smirnov, Sergei | | 5/15/2009 | 7/31/2012 | $420,000 | NSF |
GEOPHYSICS | The Role of Sediments in Rupture Dynamics of Tsunami Earthquakes and Tsunami Generation | San Diego State University | Ma, Shuo | | 2/15/2011 | 1/31/2013 | $231,437 | NSF |
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|ECOSYSTEM STUDIES | CAREER: Soil organic carbon dynamics in response to long-term ecological changes in drylands: an integrated program for carbon cycle research and enhancing climate change literacy | New Mexico State University | Throop, Heather | | 7/1/2010 | 6/30/2012 | $356,231 | NSF |
ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTU | Renovation and Upgrade of Research Space in Founders Hall, Lincoln University | LINCOLN UNIVERSITY | Benne, Jennifer | | 10/1/2010 | 9/30/2012 | $313,639 | NSF |
PROCESSES STRUCS & INTEGRITY | What is Aquaporin-1's role in transport across large vessels walls? | CUNY City College | Rumschitzki, David | | 7/1/2009 | 6/30/2012 | $554,500 | NSF |
ROBUST INTELLIGENCE|CRCNS | Knowledge Transfer in Computational Neuroscience | Florida International University | Jung, Ranu | | 1/1/2011 | 8/31/2013 | $39,875 | NSF |
Capacity Building for Traditionally Underserved Populations / New Rehabilitation Training Programs | | LANGSTON UNIVERSITY | COREY L MOORE | | 10/1/2005 | 9/30/2010 | $225,000 | ED |
TRIO - Upward Bound | | ROBERT MORRIS COLLEGE | CAROLYN BASLEY | | 9/1/2004 | 8/31/2008 | $354,496 | ED |
McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement | | OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIV | SUSAN RAMOS-SOSSAMAN | | 10/1/1999 | 9/30/2003 | $247,458 | ED |
Rehab Long-Term Training / Comprehensive System of Personnel Development | | SAN DIEGO STATE UNIV FOUNDATION | FRED MCFARLANE | | 7/1/2004 | 6/30/2009 | $199,921 | ED |
TRIO - Student Support Services | | STILLMAN COLLEGE | VERNON P FREEMAN | | 9/1/2001 | 8/31/2005 | $277,579 | ED |
OPPORT FOR ENHANCING DIVERSITY | Collaborative proposal: Track 1 Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences Through Experiential Learning | Howard University | Demoz, Belay | | 3/1/2010 | 2/29/2012 | $82,653 | NSF |
|INDUSTRY/UNIV COOP RES CENTERS | Collaborative Research: PSERC Collaborative Proposal for a Phase III Industry University Cooperative Research Center Program | Howard University | Momoh (Director), James | | 3/1/2010 | 2/28/2011 | $155,000 | NSF |
CPATH|SPECIAL PROJECTS - CISE|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARC | CPATH-1: Revitalizing Computing Education through Community-Based Video Game Development Projects | California State University-San Bernardino | Turner, David | | 9/1/2009 | 8/31/2012 | $370,256 | NSF |
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH | Mt. SAC Scholars Program | San Antonio College | Nejad, Iraj | | 10/1/2007 | 9/30/2012 | $627,447 | NSF |
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|PLANT GENOME RESEARCH PROJECT|RSCH EXPER FOR UNDERGRAD SITES | REU Site: Engaging Tribal College Students in Undergraduate Ecological Research | Sitting Bull College | Guinn, Jeremy | | 6/1/2009 | 5/31/2012 | $352,838 | NSF |
MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS | Collaborative Research: Origin of Crust and the Temporal and Spatial Scales of Mantle Melting at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge | New Mexico State University | Ramos, Frank | | 12/1/2008 | 8/31/2012 | $112,427 | NSF |
ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM | Applications of Heat Kernel Techniques to Zeta Functions of Quotients of Symmetric Spaces and of Graphs | CUNY City College | Jorgenson, Jay | | 6/15/2008 | 6/30/2012 | $131,670 | NSF |
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH | Future Forward Scholarship Program | Del Mar College | Halcomb, Jonda | | 9/1/2011 | 8/31/2012 | $149,825 | NSF |
CHEMICAL CATALYSIS | Ziegler-Nanocluster Industrial Catalysts, Part II: Understanding Their Unusual Kinetics, Operando Studies of Key Ir Model and Co Industrial Catalysts, and Enhanced Activity Catalys | Colorado State University | Finke, Richard | | 9/15/2011 | 8/31/2014 | $420,000 | NSF |
ADVANCED TECH EDUCATION PROG | Fostering Student Success in Geospatial Technology | CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College | Wei, Ching-Song | | 9/15/2011 | 8/31/2013 | $300,000 | NSF |
FED CYBER SERV: SCHLAR FOR SER | Multi University Research and Training in Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures | Florida International University | Iyengar, Sitharama | | 8/15/2011 | 7/31/2013 | $299,998 | NSF |
TRIO - Upward Bound | | ALABAMA STATE UNIV/MONTGOMERY | VALARIE T PITTMAN | | 9/1/2003 | 8/31/2007 | $284,229 | ED |
TRIO - Talent Search | | ALABAMA STATE UNIV | VALARIE T PITTMAN | | 9/1/2002 | 8/31/2007 | $305,278 | ED |
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening HBCU | | ALABAMA STATE UNIV | JAMES A ZACHARY | | 10/1/2002 | 9/30/2007 | $3,166,982 | ED |
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening HBCU | | ALABAMA STATE UNIV | JAMES A ZACHARY | | 10/1/2003 | 9/30/2008 | $3,442,400 | ED |