CategoriesTitleUniversityPrincipal InvestigatorPI EmailStart DateExpiration DateAward AmountAgency
TRUSTWORTHY COMPUTINGTC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Novel Forensic Analysis for Crimes Involving Mobile SystemsCUNY John Jay College of Criminal JusticeJi, Pingpji@jjay.cuny.edu9/1/20098/31/2012$388,508NSF
DISCOVERY RESEARCH K-12R&D: Project Delta: Digital Environments for the Learning and Teaching of AlgebraCUNY City CollegeFosnot, Catherinectfosnot@ccny.cuny.edu8/15/20087/31/2012$1,546,471NSF
BIODIVERSITY SURVEYS & INVENT|PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICSRUI: Tardigrades of the LTER sites: A Framework for the Distribution and Phylogeny of North American TardigradaFresno City CollegeJohansson, Carlbirdbrain13@gmail.com4/1/20073/31/2011$166,308NSF
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRYKinetics and Thermochemistry Studies of Carboxylic and Other Acids Using Negative Ion Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometry (NI-PTMS)North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State UniversityBililign, SolomonBililign@ncat.edu5/1/20084/30/2011$323,360NSF
|REU Site: Interdisciplinary Studies for Sensor and Biosensor DevelopmentAlabama State UniversityOyarzabal, Omarooyarzabal@alasu.edu10/24/20094/30/2011$84,463NSF
ALLIANCES-MINORITY PARTICIPAT.FL/GA Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority ParticipationFlorida Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityTurner, Ralphralph.turner@famu.edu11/1/200710/31/2012$1,836,497NSF
ECOSYSTEM STUDIESA Novel Experimental and Modelling Study of C and N Dynamics Between Litter, Soil and the Atmosphere as Affected by Soil Fauna and Litter QualityColorado State UniversityCotrufo, Francescafrancesca.cotrufo@colostate.edu9/1/20098/31/2013$646,718NSF
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATHBenjamin Banneker ScholarsCentral State UniversityKendricks, Kimberlykkendricks@centralstate.edu8/15/20087/31/2012$599,500NSF
BIOMATERIALS PROGRAMPatterning Interfaces with High Molecular Weight Periodically Sequenced Sheet-Forming PolypeptidesCUNY City CollegeTu, Raymondtu@ccny.cuny.edu8/15/20107/31/2011$158,452NSF
ADVANCED TECH EDUCATION PROGStem Cell PipelineCity College of San FranciscoZimmerman, Carinczimmerm@ccsf.edu9/15/20108/31/2011$170,087NSF
CROSS-EF ACTIVITIES|ECOSYSTEM STUDIESCollaborative Research: LiT: ETBC: Plant-microbe feedback mechanisms affecting decomposition and nutrient availability and interactions with climate changeColorado State UniversityWallenstein, Matthewmawallen@nrel.colostate.edu9/1/20108/31/2014$705,574NSF
MAJOR RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATIONMRI-R2: Development of a high average power table-top extreme ultraviolet/soft x-ray laser beam line for science at the nanoscaleColorado State UniversityRocca, Jorgerocca@engr.colostate.edu3/1/20102/28/2013$1,500,000NSF
TRIO - Upward Bound ALABAMA STATE UNIVVALARIE T PITTMAN 9/1/19998/31/2003$278,656ED
ROBUST INTELLIGENCEContext-based Indoor Object DetectionCUNY City CollegeTian, Ying Liytian@ccny.cuny.edu9/15/20098/31/2011$117,671NSF
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening Institutions - Hispanic Serving Institutions COLLEGE OF THE DESERTDIANE RAMIREZ 10/1/20009/30/2005$418,358ED
COGNEUROCognitive Neuroscience of Visual AwarenessCUNY City CollegeRo, Tonytro@ccny.cuny.edu10/1/20099/30/2013$551,170NSF
Special Ed - Personnel Preparation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities / Low Incidence FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIV - EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY & SPECIAL EDUCATIONMARISAL GAVILAN 2/1/20001/31/2006$274,130ED
HIST BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIV|RSCH EXPER FOR UNDERGRAD SITESREU Site: Undergraduate Research in Molecular Genetics & Genomics at Delaware State UniversityDelaware State UniversityKalavacharla, Venugopalvkalavacharla@desu.edu4/15/20103/31/2012$166,759NSF
MSP-TARGETED AWARDSMathematical ACES: Algebraic Concepts for Elementary StudentsCalifornia State University-San BernardinoFischman, Davidafischman@csusb.edu6/1/20105/31/2015$6,088,816NSF
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATHA Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MaPS) Cohort of Scholars ProgramNortheastern Illinois UniversitySrinivas, Sudhas-srinivas@neiu.edu8/15/20087/31/2013$598,003NSF
CHEMICAL SYNTHESISExperimental and Theoretical Studies of Bifunctional Organometallic CatalysisSan Diego State UniversityGrotjahn, Douglasgrotjahn@sundown.sdsu.edu2/1/20111/31/2012$150,000NSF
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATHAdvancing Computing Education through Synergistic Support (ACESS)Winston-Salem State UniversityJones, Elvajonese@wssu.edu3/1/20112/29/2016$600,000NSF
POP & COMMUNITY ECOL PROGCollaborative Research: The roles of demography, genetics, and stochasticity in colonizationColorado State UniversityHufbauer, Ruthhufbauer@lamar.colostate.edu5/1/20104/30/2013$466,954NSF
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|BIOMATERIALS PROGRAMHydrophobicity Switching on Nanoscale and its ApplicationsNew Mexico State UniversitySmirnov, Sergeisnsm@nmsu.edu5/15/20097/31/2012$420,000NSF
GEOPHYSICSThe Role of Sediments in Rupture Dynamics of Tsunami Earthquakes and Tsunami GenerationSan Diego State UniversityMa, Shuosma@geology.sdsu.edu2/15/20111/31/2013$231,437NSF
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|ECOSYSTEM STUDIESCAREER: Soil organic carbon dynamics in response to long-term ecological changes in drylands: an integrated program for carbon cycle research and enhancing climate change literacyNew Mexico State UniversityThroop, Heatherthroop@nmsu.edu7/1/20106/30/2012$356,231NSF
ACADEMIC RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURenovation and Upgrade of Research Space in Founders Hall, Lincoln UniversityLINCOLN UNIVERSITYBenne, Jenniferbennej@lincolnu.edu10/1/20109/30/2012$313,639NSF
PROCESSES STRUCS & INTEGRITYWhat is Aquaporin-1's role in transport across large vessels walls?CUNY City CollegeRumschitzki, Daviddavid@ccny.cuny.edu7/1/20096/30/2012$554,500NSF
ROBUST INTELLIGENCE|CRCNSKnowledge Transfer in Computational NeuroscienceFlorida International UniversityJung, Ranurjung@fiu.edu1/1/20118/31/2013$39,875NSF
Capacity Building for Traditionally Underserved Populations / New Rehabilitation Training Programs LANGSTON UNIVERSITYCOREY L MOORE 10/1/20059/30/2010$225,000ED
TRIO - Upward Bound ROBERT MORRIS COLLEGECAROLYN BASLEY 9/1/20048/31/2008$354,496ED
McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVSUSAN RAMOS-SOSSAMAN 10/1/19999/30/2003$247,458ED
Rehab Long-Term Training / Comprehensive System of Personnel Development SAN DIEGO STATE UNIV FOUNDATIONFRED MCFARLANE 7/1/20046/30/2009$199,921ED
TRIO - Student Support Services STILLMAN COLLEGEVERNON P FREEMAN 9/1/20018/31/2005$277,579ED
OPPORT FOR ENHANCING DIVERSITYCollaborative proposal: Track 1 Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences Through Experiential LearningHoward UniversityDemoz, Belaybbdemoz@howard.edu3/1/20102/29/2012$82,653NSF
|INDUSTRY/UNIV COOP RES CENTERSCollaborative Research: PSERC Collaborative Proposal for a Phase III Industry University Cooperative Research Center ProgramHoward UniversityMomoh (Director), Jamesjmomoh@howard.edu3/1/20102/28/2011$155,000NSF
CPATH|SPECIAL PROJECTS - CISE|INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCCPATH-1: Revitalizing Computing Education through Community-Based Video Game Development ProjectsCalifornia State University-San BernardinoTurner, Daviddturner@csusb.edu9/1/20098/31/2012$370,256NSF
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATHMt. SAC Scholars ProgramSan Antonio CollegeNejad, Irajinejad@mtsac.edu10/1/20079/30/2012$627,447NSF
EXP PROG TO STIM COMP RES|PLANT GENOME RESEARCH PROJECT|RSCH EXPER FOR UNDERGRAD SITESREU Site: Engaging Tribal College Students in Undergraduate Ecological ResearchSitting Bull CollegeGuinn, Jeremyjeremyg@sbci.edu6/1/20095/31/2012$352,838NSF
MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICSCollaborative Research: Origin of Crust and the Temporal and Spatial Scales of Mantle Melting at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca RidgeNew Mexico State UniversityRamos, Frankframos@nmsu.edu12/1/20088/31/2012$112,427NSF
ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COMApplications of Heat Kernel Techniques to Zeta Functions of Quotients of Symmetric Spaces and of GraphsCUNY City CollegeJorgenson, Jayjjorgenson@mindspring.com6/15/20086/30/2012$131,670NSF
S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATHFuture Forward Scholarship ProgramDel Mar CollegeHalcomb, Jondajhalcomb@delmar.edu9/1/20118/31/2012$149,825NSF
CHEMICAL CATALYSISZiegler-Nanocluster Industrial Catalysts, Part II: Understanding Their Unusual Kinetics, Operando Studies of Key Ir Model and Co Industrial Catalysts, and Enhanced Activity CatalysColorado State UniversityFinke, RichardRFinke@lamar.colostate.edu9/15/20118/31/2014$420,000NSF
ADVANCED TECH EDUCATION PROGFostering Student Success in Geospatial TechnologyCUNY Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeWei, Ching-Songcswei1231@gmail.com9/15/20118/31/2013$300,000NSF
FED CYBER SERV: SCHLAR FOR SERMulti University Research and Training in Protection of Critical Information InfrastructuresFlorida International UniversityIyengar, Sitharamaiyengar@cis.fiu.edu8/15/20117/31/2013$299,998NSF
TRIO - Talent Search ALABAMA STATE UNIVVALARIE T PITTMAN 9/1/20028/31/2007$305,278ED
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening HBCU ALABAMA STATE UNIVJAMES A ZACHARY 10/1/20029/30/2007$3,166,982ED
Higher Ed - Institutional Aid / Strengthening HBCU ALABAMA STATE UNIVJAMES A ZACHARY 10/1/20039/30/2008$3,442,400ED
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